Julie MacAdam


“Maybe dreams are how the meaning and worth of purpose are reiterated and substantiated. Maybe dreams are a parliament of many life forms, engaging in broken conversations, discussing in a mangle of becoming.”

Bayo Akomolafe

Working with dreams allows us to explore aspects of the psyche that are often hidden from the conscious mind. Dreams offer a unique opportunity to address and heal the impact of feeling overlooked or oversimplified in our waking lives. They provide a space that is both nuanced and deeply compassionate, meeting us with honesty and empathy.

Dreams act as a bridge to parts of us that may be difficult to confront directly. They present our experiences and emotions through specific and symbolic imagery, making complex feelings more accessible and open to exploration. This symbolic representation invites play, metaphor, and relational depth, creating space for insight and revelation.

Engaging with dreams provides a foundation for curiosity and inquiry, soulful connection, and a sense of being held and helped by something vast and highly intelligent. By working with the dream’s imagery and messages, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the larger narrative of our lives.

the process:

In our sessions, you’ll bring one or more dreams that resonate with you. I will guide you through the exploration of your dreams, focusing on the feelings, symbols, settings, and characters. With a sense of presence and curiosity, we’ll delve deeply into these elements to uncover their meanings and significance.

Together, we’ll explore deeply a part of the dream or the dream as a whole and how it relates to your life, the things you carry – unprocessed feelings, memories, hurts – the grit inside as well as all of your potential and innate resources. By the end of the session, you’ll receive grounded takeaways that you can apply in your waking life to honor and integrate what the dream has to offer.

The Gift:

  • Uncover and integrate unconscious aspects of the self.
  • Gain insight into inner conflicts and unresolved issues.
  •  Address and resolve feelings from the past that impact your present perception.
  • Develop a deep and meaningful relationships with yourself and life.
  • Explore archetypes and patterns.
  • Develop and engage with your personal mythology and life narrative.
  • Engage with the soul’s deeper journey and purpose.
  • Receive valuable insights and direction from your dreams.
  • Shift and balance physical, emotional, and mental states.
  • Cultivate a sense of connection to something greater than yourself.
  • Learn practical methods to apply to all your dreams for continued growth.
  • Dive deeply into the world of symbols and metaphors to unlock deeper meanings.
  •  Increase self-understanding and personal insight.
  • Stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving.

what others say...

“This work is homecoming. I feel such immense gratitude for the container Julie holds and how she consciously, actively weaves this container for me and with me. To work together with Julie is a sincere relief as the real time integration happening is instant. So grateful for the calm, curious, and intelligent, sincere disposition she embodies. It is well received.”

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